傳播資料庫展集第一期: 網路媒體使用與人際互動、社會資本的關聯




隨著網路媒體的興起,網路媒體使用如何影響人際互動與社會資本一直是傳播研究的核心研究主題。初期網路效果研究往往將網路視為單一媒體,並以個人上網時間來檢視其後續影響(如:Kraut et al., 1998)。然而,「上網時間」簡化了「網路使用」的概念,也簡化了網路使用對人際互動和社會資本可能造成的影響。本期展集所收錄的文章皆跳脫了「上網時間」等同「網路使用」的思維,更進一步地從「使用動機」、「媒體特質」,或「個人差異」出發,去探討網路使用動機、不同網路工具使用,以及個人特質如何影響人際互動和社會資本相關後果。整體而言,本次展集所收錄的文章顯示,網路效果並非全然正面或負面,要評估網路使用所造成的影響,需要更細緻地探討使用情境、使用動機、不同網路媒體的特質、和個人差異。

首先,王嵩音(2007)引用「使用與滿足理論(Uses and Gratification Theory)」考量網路動機(「社交性」、「工具性」與「娛樂性」)外,文章更納入了網路態度(「喜歡/有用性」、「匿名性」與「互動性」),來探討兩者對網路使用行為的影響。結果顯示,網路使用行為與動機息息相關;譬如,使用電子郵件與朋友聯絡感情的動機越強,越會使用各種網路互動機制(如:E-mailBBS上的聊天室)。在網路態度與網路使用行為方面,互動的態度(如:透過網路,我和朋友的聯絡會更多)最能解釋使用聊天室、電子郵件和網路傳呼等互動行為;而匿名的態度(如:網路上看不到對方,所以我聊天比較自由、沒壓力)最能解釋玩網路角色扮演遊戲和網路連線遊戲等網路遊戲使用。整體來說,結果顯示,不同的網路使用行為會因為網路使用態度、動機而異。
Lin2015)引用了依附理論(Attachment Theory),探討個人不同依附類型(安全型、逃避型與焦慮矛盾型)與線上、線下不同類型社會資本(「結合型社會資本」與「橋接型社會資本」)的關聯性,以及臉書使用在這些關聯當中所扮演的角色。結果顯示,不同依附類型會對臉書使用有不同影響,進而影響不同的社會資本累積。Lin2016)則進一步連結依附理論與自我決定理論(self-determination theory),結果顯示,不同依附類型可能影響個人對關係需求的滿意度(relatedness need satisfaction),並進而影響後續的心理健康指標。這些研究皆彰顯個人差異在不同網路平台中所扮演的角色,以及其對後續人際互動、資本取得,以及心理健康可能造成的影響。
  王嵩音(2007)。〈網路使用之態度、 動機與影響〉。《資訊社會研究》,第12期,頁57–85
  林日璇(2014)。〈社交媒體 vs. 線上遊戲:台灣成人網路使用,媒介慣習與人際互動〉。《中華傳播學刊》,第25期,頁99–132
  Lin, J. H. (2015). The role of attachment style in Facebook use and social capital: evidence from university students and a national sample. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 18(3), 173-180.
  Lin, J. H (2016) Need for relatedness: a self-determination approach to examining attachment styles, Facebook use, and psychological well-being.  Asian Journal of Communication, 26(2), 153-173,

社交媒體 vs. 線上遊戲:台灣成人 網路使用、媒介慣習與人際互動 
The Role of Attachment Style in Facebook Use and Social Capital: Evidence from University Students and a National Sample
Jih-Hsuan Lin 
College of Communication, National ChengChi University, Taipei City, Taiwan
Social networking sites (SNSs) can be beneficial tools for users to gain social capital. Although social capital consists of emotional and informational resources accumulated through interactions with strong or weak social network ties, the existing literature largely ignores attachment style in this context. This study employed attachment theory to explore individuals’ attachment orientations toward Facebook usage and toward online and offline social capital. A university student sample (study 1) and a representative national sample (study 2) showed consistent results. Secure attachment was positively associated with online bonding and bridging capital and offline bridging capital. Additionally, secure attachment had an indirect effect on all capital through Facebook time. Avoidant attachment was negatively associated with online bonding capital. Anxious–ambivalent attachment had a direct association with online bonding capital and an indirect effect on all capital through Facebook. Interaction frequency with good friends on Facebook positively predicted all online and offline capital, whereas interaction frequency with average friends on Facebook positively predicted online bridging capital. Interaction frequency with acquaintances on Facebook was negatively associated with offline bonding capital. The study concludes that attachment style is a significant factor in guiding social orientation toward Facebook connections with different ties and influences online social capital. The study extends attachment theory among university students to a national sample to provide more generalizable evidence for the current literature. Additionally, this study extends attachment theory to the SNS setting with a nuanced examination of types of Facebook friends after controlling extraversion. Implications for future research are discussed.
Need for relatedness: a self-determination approach to examining attachment styles, Facebook use, and psychological well-being
Jih-Hsuan Lin
College of Communication, National ChengChi University, Taipei City, Taiwan
Employing attachment theory and self-determination theory, this study argues that attachment style represents essential innate needs for social connection among individuals and an important antecedent factor in social media research. Thus, attachment style influences how individuals use Facebook for social interaction to satisfy their need for relatedness and achieve psychological wellbeing. The results from university and national samples showed that individuals with high secure attachment gain satisfaction of the need for relatedness and perceive positive well-being, individuals with high attachment avoidance do not use Facebook for need satisfaction and perceive negative well-being, and individuals with high anxious attachment gain a sense of community through Facebook but still perceive loneliness. Indirect analyses showed that individuals with high secure and anxious attachment dimension lead to higher Facebook use, which provides a higher level of satisfaction of relatedness needs and results in more positive psychological outcomes. Additionally, communication with good friends on both Facebook and offline predicted higher well-being. These results successfully linked attachment theory to the selfdetermination process and extended both theories into the realm of social media. This study also provided a theoretical framework for future studies to examine the association between Facebook use and well-being. After controlling for personality traits including extraversion and self-esteem, attachment style still had considerable influence on psychological well-being, showing that attachment style is a distinct factor in predicting variances in wellbeing and further showing that innate need for relatedness is important when studying the need satisfaction process in social media. Future directions are discussed.