
2023 年中華傳播學會年會公告







1.全文投稿:約15000字,可參加年會優秀論文評選。稿件內應包含論文名稱、中英文摘要、關鍵字(至多6個)與本文,於臺灣時間 2023年 2 月1 日 00:00 分至 2023 年 3 月 1 日 23 點 59 分 59 秒前繳交 (以年會線上投稿系統時間為準)。

2.摘要投稿:2,000 字,內容應包含問題意識、基本文獻、研究方法與可能貢獻等。上傳摘要稿件時,請點選「論文摘要」選項,並於檔案名稱後、及內文論文標題前,均括號加註「摘要投稿」。稿件內應包含論文名稱、中英文摘要與關鍵字(至多6個)。會議接受之摘要投稿,於 2023 年 5 月 21 日23點59分59秒前繳交全文15000字。





Research papers

1. Theme: Essays corresponding to the conference’s theme, “Dialectics of communication in conflict ” In addition, submissions of papers in communication-related fields but differing from the theme are welcome.

2. Groups

(1) Student group: The first author is a student at the time of submission.

(2) Social group: No limitation on identity.

3. Regarding manuscripts adapted from essays for academic degrees, the degree candidates are considered the first authors.

4. Submission formats

(1) Full essay submission: About 15,000 words. Eligible for “paper of distinction” selection. The manuscript must contain the essay title, abstracts in Chinese and English, (up to six) keywords, and the essay itself. Submit from 00:00 on February 1, 2023 to 23:59:59 on March 1, 2023 Taiwan time (based on the time of the annual conference online submission system).

(2) Abstract submission: 2,000 words. The content must contain the research questions, literature review, research methods, and possible contributions. In uploading the abstract of a manuscript, please click the “essay abstract” option. In addition, the phrase “(abstract submission)” should be attached to the end of the file name and to the start of the essay title. The manuscript must contain the essay title, the abstracts in Chinese and English, and (up to six) keywords. Regarding the submitted abstracts accepted by the conference, the full texts comprising 15,000 words must be submitted before 23:59:59 on March 21st, 2023.

(3) The presenter of the paper must be a member of the Chinese Communication Society.

(4) Please refer to the guidelines of the Chinese Journal of Communication Research regarding the style of the essay (cjctaiwan.org/word/12212132019.pdf).

(5)There is no "Open space paper publication" this year, please select "General paper publication"
