
2018 台北國際智慧機械暨智慧製造展高峰論壇 (iMTduo 2018 Summit)

2018年台北國際智慧機械暨智慧製造展(iMTduo)首次舉辦高峰論壇,以「積層製造」、「智慧工廠」、「工業機器人」、「物聯網」四大主題,邀請全球知名專家及業界領袖如美國CIMP-3D創新材料加工營運中心、Rockwell Automation洛克威爾自動化公司、Taiwan Mitsubishi Electric台灣三菱電機以及日本機器人革命行動委員會,共同探討產業未來趨勢,引領臺灣產業升級。

iMTduo (Formerly known as MTduo) is Asia's leading professional Intelligent Machinery & Manufacturing Technology Show that joins all the latest and cutting-edge technologies. In parallel, the exhibition will also feature the iMTduo summit, which will gather global industrial leaders including the Center for Innovative Materials Processing through Direct Digital Deposition (CIMP-3D), Rockwell Automation, Robot Revolution Initiative, Taiwan Mitsubishi Electric. iMTduo Summit will be held on the 10th of May (Thursday), participants who concerns topics regarding intelligent manufacturing are welcomed to join, hopefully the first-time Summit will be a platform for information and knowledge exchange.

2018-05-10(四) 09:00~16:30

台北南港展覽館1館504會議室 (台北市南港區經貿二路1號) (捷運台北南港展覽館站1號出口)


