We invite you to submit your manuscript to an upcoming special issue of the Journal of Advertising on Advertising in Asia: Theories and Implications for Practice, which is dedicated to advancing theories for understanding the unique aspects of advertising in Asia.
Most advertising theories have been developed in the West. When they are applied to phenomena in Asia, scholars often fail to find strong support for them. Without a systematic effort to cultivate pertinent theories, applicable to different socio-cultural-economic settings, we are left with only broad notions of how advertising works in Asia.
Three main stages of development in international advertising research thus far have contributed to our initial knowledge of advertising in Asia. Early research explored the content of ads in different cultures such as the use of emotional appeals and types of narratives. Following that, the research paradigm shifted to exploring which types of appeal or content were most effective. For example, studies have examined how the same appeals such as comparative advertising worked differently in various cultures or which appeals enjoyed a competitive edge in certain cultures. Finally, more recent developments sought to address which mechanisms drive these differences, such as consumer motivation and identity. These three streams of international advertising research have no doubt generated insightful findings. Yet the question of how advertising works in Asia remains relatively underexplored, such that many complex distinctions and unique elements have not been discovered or documented in a systematic and comprehensive manner. Focused efforts to achieve theoretical advances are very much needed.
Research comparing cultures, while producing some informative findings, offers only a small window to advertising in Asia. It should not be the sole approach. Understanding unique advertising practice and phenomena in Asia and investigating commonalities across Asian markets is an alternative approach that could be fruitful.
This special issue seeks to address the need for research by soliciting, publishing, and disseminating theoretical developments that focus on advertising in Asia. Specifically, we seek manuscripts with strong theoretical foundations and insightful evidence to stimulate further research. We welcome articles that explicate advertising in Asia from either a comparison perspective or an indigenous approach.
Potential research topics that may be addressed include (but are not limited to):
Theories, Models, and Methods
*Generic theories of how advertising works in Asia
*Ad processing models for consumers in Asia
*Asian consumers’ cognitive styles
*Asian consumers’ engagement with advertising
*Asian consumers’ involvement with advertising
*Persuasion knowledge and resistance among Asian consumers
*Persuasion models for Asian consumers
*Relativism–universalism in Asian advertising research
*Qualitative and quantitative approaches in Asian advertising research
*Asian identities in advertising
*The role of advertising in Asian consumers’ decision making
*Subcultures in Asia and their implications for advertising
*Asian consumers’ attitudes toward advertising
*Branding in Asian markets
Content and Form Matters
*Creativity approaches and strategies in Asian advertising
*Cultural elements in Asian advertising
*Narratives in Asian advertising
*Emotional appeals in Asian advertising
*Unique message appeals in Asian advertising
*Language in Asian advertising
*Humor in Asian advertising
*Celebrity effects in Asian advertising
*Sex appeals in Asian advertising
*Visual and aesthetic styles in Asian advertising
*The use and effects of digital media in Asia
*The development and integration of advertising media in Asia
*The importance of social media for Asian consumers
*The role of mobile advertising in Asia
*Advertisers’ media allocation and decision processes in Asia
*Native advertising in Asia
*Branded entertainment in Asia
*Advergaming in Asia
*Viral behaviors among Asian consumers
*Asian consumers’ ad sharing behaviors on social media
*Asian consumers’ responses to mobile advertising
*The role of co-creation and user-generated content in Asian advertising
Focused Topics
*Health advertising in Asia
*Public service announcements in Asia
*Green advertising in Asia
*Political advertising in Asia
Sociological Aspects
*Issues related to ethics and fairness of advertising *practices in Asia
*Gender portrayals in Asia
*Advertising literacy in Asia
*Concerns for youth and children in Asia
*Unique legal issues related to advertising in Asia and the implications for advertisers
Submission Guidelines
Submissions should follow the manuscript format guidelines for JA, available at http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ujoa20/current. A manuscript should not normally exceed 12,000 words including all references, tables, figures, and appendices.
The submission deadline is January 31, 2019.
All manuscripts should be submitted through JAs online submission system, ScholarOne, at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ujoa, between January 1 and 31, 2019. Please do not submit your manuscript before January 1, 2019. Authors should select SPECIAL ISSUE: Advertising in Asia: Theories and Implications for Practice as the Manuscript Type. In the cover letter, authors should note that their submission targets the Special Issue on Advertising in Asia: Theories and Implications for Practice.
* Authors will be notified no later than March 31, 2019, about the preliminary decision regarding whether their manuscript will proceed to the next round of review.
* This Special Issue is planned to be published as the last issue of 2019.
For additional information regarding the special issue, please contact the guest editors:
Chingching Chang, National Chengchi University, shenc@nccu.edu.tw
Wei-Na Lee, University of Texas at Austin, weina@mail.utexas.edu
Yuping Liu-Thompkins, Old Dominion University, yxxliu@odu.edu
More information:http://explore.tandfonline.com/cfp/bes/ujoa-special-issue-advertising-in-asia?utm_source=TFO&utm_medium=cms&utm_campaign=JMR04857