
美國密西根大學傳播研究學院系主任Nojin Kwak教授 專題演講

Does Social Media Matter?: Perceptions of social media, political expression, and offline political participation

地點:國立交通大學客家文化學院 HK206
由傳科系俞蘋老師主持,邀請美國密西根大學Nojin Kwak教授兼系主任,
《Does Social Media Matter?: Perceptions of social media, political expression, and offline political participation》為主題,來校進行分享。

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負責助理:李嘉昀 chayu80@gmail.com

講座介紹 About the Lecture:

People’s views of political activity on social media range from exuberant to exasperated. But do perceptions of social media influence citizens’ online and offline political behaviors? In the present study, we test a theoretical model that systematically incorporates core narratives in the Slacktivism thesis, in which perceiving social media as an easy or impactful means of engaging in politics encourages individuals to express themselves on social media, but discourages their offline participation. Results from a series of analyses of a panel data set from the 2016 US presidential campaign show that positive perceptions of social media indirectly increase offline political participation, through the influence of political expression on social media. This mediated path is stronger for older individuals and for those with predominantly politically like-minded networks. The implications for reconceptualizing the relationship between perceptions of social media and political participation are discussed.


關於講者 About the Speaker:

Nojin Kwak (Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison) is the Chair of the Department of Communication Studies. In addition to his appointment in Communication Studies, he currently serves as the Director of the Nam Center for Korean Studies at the University of Michigan. Kwak's research centers on the role of communication media in civic and political engagement and has published in peer-reviewed journals, including Communication Research, Journal of Communication, Human Communication Research, Political Communication, Political Research Quarterly, New Media and Society, and Asian Journal of Communication. His recent studies analyze the impact of internet and mobile communication technologies on community involvement, deliberative openness, and political participation. He has received numerous top paper awards at major conferences. Kwak is a co-editor of a book series, Perspectives on Contemporary Korea, published by the University of Michigan Press.
