Theme: Innovation in Communication Studies = Communication + ?
Communication / media is prevalent everywhere and has become an essential part in modern society, closely linked to individuals and our daily lives. Many social science disciplines have developed a communication studies perspective, illustrating the depth and breadth of media’s influence, as well as its diversity. When including new phenomena such as new media and social media, we witness how the field of communication studies further expands into new territories.
Although media seems to be omnipresent in today’s world, media research hardly takes the center stage. Many media researchers participate in interdisciplinary studies, but seldom do these studies focus on communication research. In recent years, we also hardly see communication researchers take leading roles in these large-scale, interdisciplinary research projects. This prompts the question, is communication research really that influential?
It is not an easy task for scholars of communication studies to think outside the box, while also extending the depth and self-reflection ability of the discipline. The theme of the 2017 Annual Conference of the Chinese Communication Society, “Communication + ?” actually carries double meaning. On one level, communication studies plus another discipline is a form of innovation. Yet more intriguingly one doubts the authenticity of such innovation.
The 2017 Annual Conference of the Chinese Communication Society cordially invites all scholars of media and communication studies to take part in this year’s event, so that we can collectively assemble all kinds of innovative studies and propose reflective ideas through concrete cases. We would also like to invite scholars to present communication-related interdisciplinary research, so that we can understand how our discipline interacts and converses with other areas, and discuss the roles, processes, and challenges of media and communication in different phenomena.
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一、傳播理論組Communication Theory
l 大眾傳播Mass Communication
l 傳播史Communication History
l 傳播哲學Philosophy of Communication
l 視覺傳播Visual Communication
l 傳播教育Communication Education
l 研究方法Research Method
l 媒體素養Media Literacy
二、新聞傳播組Journalism Communication
l 新聞學理論Journalism Theory
l 新聞自律Self-regulation and Law of Journalism
l 新聞倫理Journalism Ethics
l 新聞工作者(含攝影記者)研究 Journalists (photographers) Research
l 新聞組織研究
The Research of News Organization
l 新聞與科技Journalism and Technology
l 新聞工作策略與產製分析Professional Strategies and Production Analysis of Journalism
l 資料新聞學Data Journalism
三、口語傳播組Oral Communication
l 語言與社會互動Language and Social Interaction
l 語藝研究Rhetorical & Communication Theory
l 人際溝通Interpersonal Communication
l 組織溝通Organizational Communication
l 小團體溝通Small group Communication
l 跨文化傳播Intercultural Communication
四、公關、廣告與行銷組Advertising and Public Relations
l 廣告Advertising
l 公關Public Relations
l 行銷傳播Marketing Communication
l 健康傳播Health Communication
l 政治傳播Political Communication
l 風險傳播Risky Communication
五、傳播產業與政策組Communication Industry and Policy
l 媒介管理Media management
l 傳播生態與社會Media Ecology
l 全球化與社會變遷Globalization and International Communication
l 傳播政治經濟學The Political Economy of Communication
l 媒體產業Media Industry
l 創意產業Creative Industry
六、文化研究組Cultural Studies
l 媒介批判Media Criticism
l 影像與視覺文化Media Cultural Studies
l 電影研究Film Studies
l 俗民/流行傳播Popular Communication
l 性別與傳播Gender Communication
l 族群階級與傳播Ethnicity and Race Communication
七、新媒體傳播組Digital Communication
l 教育傳播Instructional Communication
l 教育科技Educational Technology
l 傳播科技Communication & Technology
l 新興科技與社會Emergent Technology & Society
l 社群媒體Social Media
l 行動傳播Mobile Communication
l 數位落差Digital Divide
l 新興傳播議題及跨領域、跨媒介議題
一、投稿時間:臺灣時間 2017 年 2 月 1 日 00:00 分 至 2017 年 3 月 1 日 23:59 分止,以年會線上投稿系統時間為準。