
【數位敘事與新媒體科技】演講:The global white snake: tracing the history and adaptation of one of China’s

活動日期: 2022/10/18(二)
時間:2022年10月18日 上午9:00-12:00   
聯絡人:楊懿湘 0229393091分機69117

講座姓名:Professor Liang Luo
講座現職:University of Kentucky


Speaker's Bio
Professor Luo specializes in internatioanl film studies, modern and classical literature and culture. She wrote a book entitled "The Global White Snake," published by University of Michigan Press in 2021.

Abstract of the talk
The White Snake is an immigrant to the human world, whose serpentine identity made her a “resident alien,” the legal category given to immigrants in the United States before they receive their “Green Card” and become a “permanent resident.” The implication of being a snake woman in the human world took on new meanings when the COVID-19 pandemic worsened the existing xenophobia, fear, and suspicion toward minority populations in the contemporary United States and throughout the world. Inspired by the Chinese White Snake legend, the three Anglophone opera, film, and stage projects from Cerise Lim Jacobs, Indrani Pal-Chaudhuri, and Mary Zimmerman, energetically engage with issues relevant to minority activism in the United States and more broadly, through digital media and digital platforms.

