【演講】When Brands Take a Stand: The Impact of Political Ideology on Consumer Response to Brands’ Explicit Social Positions
講者 Speaker: Dr. Federico de Gregorio (Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, The University of Akron College of Business, USA)
時間 Date:2021/12/16 (Thursday) 下午14:10-15:40
地點 Place:國立政治大學綜合院館北棟1樓270103教室 (Room 270103, 1F, General Building, NCCU)
台灣政經傳播研究中心(Taiwan Institute for Governance and Communication Research, TIGCR)邀請Dr. Federico de Gregorio發表演講 "When Brands Take a Stand: The Impact of Political Ideology on Consumer Response to Brands’ Explicit Social Positions"。
Dr. Federico de Gregorio是美國The University of Akron College of Business行銷學系副教授。研究興趣涵蓋不同主題:包含創造力(creativity)、產品置入(product placement)、線上消費者評論(online consumer reviews)和數位行銷(digital marketing)。
Website: www.uakron.edu/cba/about-us/directory/profile-detail.dot