
國立台灣師範大學 第二屆國際與社會科學學院研討會徵稿 跨領域新思維人工智慧與人文社會科學的對話


投稿截止日至 2019.6.2
Please be reminded that the paper submission deadline of International Conference on The 2nd International Conference of CISS on Artificial Intelligence for Social Sciences is extended to 2 Jun 2019.

2019 CISS NTNU International Conference-AI and the New Interdisciplinary Frontiers: In Dialogue with the Humanities and Social Sciences

日期Date: 2019/10/18-19
地點Venue: 國立臺灣師範大學圖書館B1國際會議廳 B1 Library Conference Room @ NTNU

Submit an electronic version of the first draft of the paper, including a Chinese-language abstract of about 500 characters or an English-language abstract of about 300 words.

議題 / Agenda:
人工智慧對傳播領域之議題 / Artificial Intelligence on Communication
人工智慧對教育、語言認知與學習之議題 / Artificial Intelligence on Education, Language Cognition and Learning
人工智慧對人力資本之議題 / Artificial Intelligence on Human Capital
人工智慧對法律、權益與倫理之議題 / Artificial Intelligence on Law, Rights and Ethics
人工智慧對照顧服務之議題 / Artificial Intelligence on Care Service
人工智慧對跨國文化之議題 / Artificial Intelligence on Cross-Cultural Issues
大數據與社會問題預防 / Big Data and Social Issue Prevention
VR與教育訓練之議題 / VR on Education and Training
其他人工智慧與人文社會相關之議題 / Other Issues Related to Artificial Intelligence and Human Society

We look forward to your participation.



