We are pleased to open submissions forproposals for AoIR 2019: Trust in the System (Brisbane, Australia, 2-5 October2019). To re-familiarize yourself with the call for proposals and types ofsubmissions solicited, please see here: https://aoir.org/aoir2019/aoir2019cfp/.
Accepted paper and panel submissions willbe included in our open access conference paper archive, Selected Papers ofInternet Research (SPIR). SPIR helps us further publicize the work of ourmembers and introduce our research to a wider audience.
All paper and panel submissions musttherefore follow our SPIR formatting requirements, which includes a consistentheader and style format for the papers that will enable people to easily locateauthor and title information, and identify the papers as part of the AoIRconference. This format is only intended to bring consistency to basic elements(such as typeface and spacing), not to impose any disciplinary constraints.Please download and utilize the Word template here:https://aoir.org/aoir2019/aoir2019sub_temp/. When submitting, please take thetime to read the submission categories and topics carefully; this helps usmatch your submission to a suitable reviewer. To learn more about howsubmissions are reviewed, please see here: https://aoir.org/sub_review_info_aoir/.
Please note that even if you submitted aproposal to the conference through ConfTool last year, you may need tore-register. In the interest of diversity and collegiality, each conferenceparticipant is limited to presenting one individual paper and one paper in apanel, and to participating in one roundtable or fishbowl, for a maximum ofthree presenting appearances on the conference program.
You can be a co-author on additionalpapers, but you must not be the scheduled presenter of these papers. Ifaccepted as a presenting author, you must register for the conference by theEarly Bird deadline of 1 August 2019. If you have any questions about thesubmission process, please email AoIRConfChair@aoir.org. Click here to go tothe submission site: https://www.conftool.org/aoir2019/.
We look forward to your proposals and to avibrant and stimulating conference in Brisbane! Sincerely, Jonathon HutchinsonAoIR2019 Program Chair ---- AoIR2019: Trust in the Systemhttps://aoir.org/aoir2019/
Important Deadlines:
15 April 2019: Nominations due for NancyBaym Book award and Best Dissertation Award
20 May 2019: Applications due forconference travel SCHOLARSHIPS and for DOCTORAL COLLOQUIUM
1 August 2019: Early Bird RegistrationDeadline for ALL presenters
30 September 2019: Deadline for uploadingaccepted, non-blind, final version of paper and panel submissions