Changes of Participation in Voluntary Associations after the Lift of Martial Law: Effects and Implications of Period and Cohort
Ray-May Hsung, Fengbin Chang, Ya-Feng Lin
This study merged eight years of data on voluntary association participation from the 1990, 1992, 1995, 1997, 2000, 2002, 2005, and 2007 Taiwan Social Change Surveys, using Yang and Land's(2006)age-period-cohort approach to analyze the effects of those factors on changes in participation. This study found that there was a small decline between 1995 and 2000, a dramatic decline after 2000, and a small amount of growth in 2007. According to results from a cross-classified random effects model, the influences of period and cohort on these changes are significant. After controlling for gender, age, ethnicity, and attainment of a college degree, the effect of period was greater than that of cohort. We found that the 1956-1965 cohort was the most active in terms of participation in voluntary associations, and that post-1980 cohorts were generally inactive. The effects of college generation were not significant in terms of the number of expressive voluntary associations across different periods, but they were significant for instrumental voluntary associations.