In 2012, Chang Gung Health and Culture Village (CGHCV) administered a food service satisfaction survey to its residents, and overall survey results showed that it scored at 84.7 points. Based on residents' feedback, the village invested a considerable amount of time and money into dining service enhancement. After extensive planning, large-scale renovation of the restaurants in the village was conducted in the first half of 2014. The goal was to provide residents with an improved dining environment and service quality. Following the renovation, the village obtained positive feedback of 89 points for meal provision. However, a similar satisfaction survey administered in July 2018 reported a considerably lower score of 71.2 points, which represented a major warning to restaurant management at CGHCV. Chief Dai did not understand why those actions were having the opposite effects of the expected outcome; therefore, he held manager meetings to discuss the issues and coping measures.