

# 公告日期 / 標題 作者 期刊 年份

New Product Knowledge Sharing: Antecedents, the Moderating Role of OCB, and the Consequence of NPD Performance

Tsun-Jin Chang ; Shang-Pao Yeh ; I-Jan Yeh 管理學報 2006

An Investigation of Knowledge Sharing from a Social Capital Perspective: How Social Capital and Growth Needs Affect Tacit Knowledge Acquisition and Individual Satisfaction

Shu-Chen Yang ; Cheng-Kiang Farn 管理學報 2006

Automatic Categorization of Patent Documents for R&D Knowledge Self-organization

Amy J. C. Trappey ; Charles V. Trappey ; Evan C. H. Hsieh 管理學報 2006

銷售人員目標取向的成因及對績效之影響 Antecedents and Performance Consequences of Salespeople's Goal Orientation

陳光偉(Kuang-Wei Chen) ; 陳嵩(Song Chen) 管理學報 2006

第一線員工處置行為之管理:壓力源、因應資源與情感承諾之角色 Management of Discretions Excised by Frontline Employees: The Roles of Stressors, Coping Resources and Affective Commitment

林少龍(Shao-Lung Lin) 管理學報 2006

資訊系統發展中政治行為之意圖:以計畫行為理論為基礎之研究-MIS專業人員與使用者差異之比較 The Political Behavior Intention in Information System Development: A Study Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior-The Gap between MIS Professionals and Users

張玲星(Ling-Hsing Chang) 管理學報 2006

動態複雜任務中團隊與個人的績效差異:任務熟悉度與決策目標多寡的影響 Effects of Task Familiarity and Number of Goals on Dynamically Complex Decision Task: A Comparison between Group and Individual Performance

楊仁壽(Jen-Shou Yang) ; 張耀宗(Yaw-Tzong Chang) ; 陳沁怡(Chin-Yi Chen) ; 陳墀元(Chi-Yuan Chen) 管理學報 2006

《易經》早期管理決策模式與西方管理決策模式之比較分析 A Comparison between I-Ching's Early Management Decision-making Model and Western Management Decision-making Models

徐木蘭(Mu-Lan Hsu) ; 陳必碩(Pi-So Chen) ; 許金田(Chin-Tien Hsu) ; 孔祥科(Syang-Ke Kung) 管理學報 2006

虛擬關係行銷之跨文化比較-以台、日、美三文化之電視購物為例 Virtual Relationship Marketing: A Cross-cultural Analysis among Television Home Shopping Channels in Taiwan, Japan and USA

黃吉村(Stephen Chi-Tsun Huang) ; 渥頓(Clyde A. Warden) ; 劉宗其(Tsung-Chi Liu) 管理學報 2006

供應鏈金流之多行平台演進分析-以資訊産業電子化C計畫為例 The Evolution of Multi-Banks Model of Supply Chain e-Financing

耿慶瑞(Ching-Jui Keng) ; 黃思明(Syming Hwang) ; 吳順興(Shung-Hsing Wu) 管理學報 2006

台灣車體損失保險不對稱訊息的實證研究 The Empirical Study of Asymmetric Information for Taiwan's Automobile Physical Damage Insurance

蔡英哲(Ying-Che Tsai) ; 曾郁仁(Larry Y. Tzeng) ; 鄭安峰(Andy A. F. Cheng) 管理學報 2006

促銷價格標示方式與內部參考人格對消費者行為之影響 The Effects of Promotional Price Format and Internal Reference Price on Consumers' Behavior

張重昭(Chung-Chau Chang) ; 周宇貞(Yu-Jen Chou) ; 張心馨(Shin-Shin Chang) 管理學報 2006

當期利益最大與長期利益最大化之間的選擇:個人決策中框架效果與冒險傾向的影響 A Choice Behavior between Current and Long-Term Benefits: The Influence of Framing Effect and Risk Taking Tendency in Individual Decision Making

莊世杰(Shih-Chieh Chuang) ; 龔昶元(Chaang-Yung Kung) 管理學報 2006

領導者部屬交換與員工創新行為:組織正義之中介效果及組織特性之干擾效果 Leader Member Exchange and Employee Innovative Behavior: The Mediation Effects of Organizatonal Justice and Moderation Effects of Organizational Characteristics

蔡啟通(Chi-Tung Tsai) 管理學報 2006

團隊成員人格特質對知識分享及創新績效之影響-個人與團隊層次的分析 The Effects of Team Personality Composition on Knowledge Sharing and Innovation Performance: Individual and Team Level Analysis

黃家齊(Jia-Chi Huang) ; 許雅婷(Ya-Ting Hsu) 管理學報 2006