

# 公告日期 / 標題 作者 期刊 年份

解讀台灣IPOs發行熱季之迷思 An Explanation to Hot-Issue Anomaly of IPOs in Taiwan

陳安琳(An-Lin Chen) ; 盧正壽(Cheng-Shou Lu) ; 高蘭芬(Lan-Feng Kao) 管理學報 2006

個別化行銷下的最適折價券與産品線設計 The Optimal Couponing Strategy and Product Line Design under Individual Marketing

周善瑜(Shan-Yu Chou) ; 陳其美(Chyi-Mei Chen) ; 戴翊亘(Yi-Hsuan Dai) 管理學報 2006

獲利率、集中度、進口比與出口比以台灣中游石化業爲例 PCM, Concentration, Import and Export Shares: The Case of Taiwan's Midstream Petrochemical Industries

張美玲(Mei-Lin Chang) ; 王淑卿(Shu-Ching Wang) ; 王國樑(Kuo-Liang Wang) 管理學報 2006

多層次管理研究:分析層次的概念、理論和方法 Multilevel Research in Management: Conceptual, Theoretical, and Methodological Issues in Level of Analysis

林鉦棽(Cheng-Chen Lin) ; 彭台光(T. K. Peng) 管理學報 2006

民眾與政府對政策公平衡量多元認知之資訊整合研究:以登革熱防治案為例 An Information Integration Research on Citizen and Government's Perception of the Fairness Measurement of Policy Outcomes: The Case of Dengue Fever Prevention and Control in Taiwan

陳正料(Cheng-Liaou Chen) ; 汪明生(Ming-Shen Wang) ; 陳建寧(Chein-Ning Chen) ; 王鳳蘭(Feng-Lan Wang) 管理學報 2006

資訊系統使用階段變革歷程之研究-以動態觀點,檢視“使用慣例”與介入措施交互調適的影響效應 A Study of Change Process within Information System Post-adoptive Phase-A Dynamic Approach to Review the Impact of Mutual Adaptation between Routine Effects and Intervention

林尚平(Shang-Ping Lin) ; 吳建明(Chien-Ming Wu) ; 陳怜秀(Ling-Hsiu Chen) 管理學報 2006

難應付客戶頻次\知覺服務訓練效用兩者及情緒勞動與情緒耗竭之關係-“資源保存理論”的觀點 The Relationships among Frequency of Encountering Difficult Customers, Perceived Service Training Utility, Emotional Labor, and Emotional Exhaustion-The Viewpoint of "Conservation of Resources Theory"

吳宗祐(Tsung-Yu Wu) ; 鄭伯壎(Bor-Shiuan Cheng) 管理學報 2006

顧客價值為基礎的競爭策略模式-模糊品質機能展開之應用 The Competitive Strategy Model Based on Customer Value: An Application of Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment

徐村和(Tsuen-Ho Hsu) ; 林凌仲(Ling-Zhong Lin) 管理學報 2006

Target Marketing in a Distribution Channel: Implications for a Manufacturer's Returns Policy 非整合通路下製造商目標行銷之研究-製造商退貨保證的影響

鄭士蘋(Shih-Ping Jeng) ; 周善瑜(Shan-Yu Chou) 管理學報 2006

應用推遲策略於TFT LCD產業上游廠商生產供應鏈之分析 Applying Postponement Strategy in an Upstream Production Supply Chain Analysis for TFT LCD Industry

蘇雄義(Shong-Iee Ivan Su) ; 劉宗哲(Chung-Tzer Liu) ; 陳竑廷(Hong-Ting Chen) 管理學報 2006

Dynamic Knowledge Transformation Processes for Virtual Teams: System Dynamics Approach

Yi-Ming Tu ; Liang-Cheng Chang 管理學報 2006

Application of the SOM for Visualizing Knowledge Boundaries within an Organization

Jung-Tang Hsueh ; Sheng-Hsun Hsu 管理學報 2006

Proposal for a Model of Knowledge Sharing from a Mediating Mechanism of Social Network Ties

Wen-Kung Lin ; Chou-Kang Chiu 管理學報 2006

Poor Performance Experience and Explorative Actions: A Synthesis of Prospect Theory and Threat-Rigidity Theory

Hsuan Lo 管理學報 2006

The Correlation between Individual Knowledge Capability and the Perceived Success of Knowledge Management Practice: An Empirical Study in Government BAS Organizations

Tai-Zu Wu ; Pin-Yu Chu 管理學報 2006